How much does an airport customs security area surety bond cost in Texas?
Individuals and companies that require access to secured areas at Texas airports must post surety bonds. The minimum required bond amount is $10,000.
The price you’ll pay for your Texas surety bond depends on a review of your personal credit report, as well as the bond amount needed, so the best way to find out exactly how much you’ll pay is to request your free bond quote now.
Why do I need this bond?
Airport customs security area surety bonds in Texas are put in place to ensure that principals (individuals or companies with access to these secure areas) conduct business ethically and in accordance with all laws and customs regulations. If the principal breaches any laws or terms of the surety bond contract, the surety must pay liquidated damages of $1,000 or another amount for each default. The principal must reimburse the surety for any damages paid out.
Take the first step toward becoming bonded by applying for your surety bond today.
What’s the fine print?
Texas airport customs security bonds remain valid for one year from the date of issuance. Our team of surety experts works hard to get you bonded according to your specific needs.
What do I do next?
Before being able to access customs security areas in Houston, Texas, the principal must complete and submit the proper documentation to prove that he or she has good intentions and is honest in his or her area of business. The principal must complete the following forms:
- CBP Form 3078
- CBP Additional Instructions to Applicants for Customers Airport Security Access Form
- CBP Security Access Request Form
- City of Houston Security Clearance Request Form
Other cities in Texas require airport customs security personnel to be bonded, and specific licensing and bonding requirements vary by city.
Our experts can help you get the surety bond you need quickly and easily.
Ready to get started?
Additional Resources
Airport Customs Security Area Bond form
Additional Instructions to Applicants for Customs and Border Protection Airport Security Access
Section 113.12 - Bond Application
Section 113.21 - Information Required on the Bond
US Customs and Border Protection - Access to a Customs Security Area