How much does a New York nail salon wage payment bond cost?
The cost of a New York nail salon wage payment bond is subject to underwriting, meaning the cost is based on a review of the applicant’s credit. Highly qualified applicants may be approved to pay as little as 2% of their total bond amount. Having financial documents ready at the time of applying will help expedite the bonding process.
Nail salon owners employing the equivalent of 2-5 full-time individuals providing nail specialty services must file a bond of at least $25,000. Owners with 6-10 full-time employees (or equivalent) must secure a $40,000 bond. Owners with 11-25 full-time employees are required to file a $75,000 bond. Owners with more than 25 full-time employees must secure a bond of at least $125,000.
Why are NY wage payment bonds required for nail salons?
New York wage payment bonds exist to ensure nail salon owners pay their employees earned wages and provide them with due fringe benefits. As long as the employer pays his or her employees all of their due wages and benefits in full, this bond is void. However, if the owner fails to adhere to the terms of this bond, the bond is subject to valid claims filed against it.
In the event of a valid claim, the surety will cover for all damages up to the penal sum of the bond. The nail salon owner must then reimburse the surety the equivalent amount of money according to the indemnity agreement.
How to get a nail salon business license in New York
New nail salons and area renters must obtain a license before they can commence business operations. Anyone 18 or older can apply for an appearance enhancement business license. Proof of surety bond will be required to be approved for a license. Appearance enhancement business licenses include the following information:
- Business structure (corporation, partnership, etc.)
- Applicant’s name, address, and social security number or Federal Taxpayer ID
- Name and address of the business
Application fees are $60. Appearance enhancement business licenses remain valid for 4 years from the date of issuance. Applicants are encouraged to use the NYS License Center online for applications and renewals. For more licensing information, visit the “Additional Resources” section below.