TTB Wine Bond Guide offers the best service and fastest delivery for federal alcohol tax bonds in the industry. Learn how to navigate the TTB wine bonding process with this quick guide.
Bond Overview
- Who Needs It: Wineries, wine cellars and wine wholesalers with commercial operations
- Purpose: To guarantee payment of federal wine taxes
- Regulating Body: The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)
- Required Amount: Calculated based on annual excise tax liability
- Premium Rates: Typically $12 per $1,000 of coverage, starting at $100
What Is a TTB Wine Bond?
The U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) requires alcohol tax bonds to guarantee that wine businesses pay federal taxes for selling, producing, importing and warehousing wine.
A TTB wine bond holds wine producers, cellars and wholesalers responsible for paying all taxes, penalties and fees. Getting bonded is a requirement before certain TTB-regulated wine businesses can legally start commercial operations.
The following types of wine businesses may need to to file a TTB surety bond as part of the permit process:
- Wineries: Producing wine for commercial purposes
- Wine cellars: Storing, blending or bottling untaxpaid wine
- Wine wholesalers: Selling wine-making materials or supplies also provides TTB Tobacco Bonds, TTB Brewer’s Bonds, TTB Distilled Spirits Bonds and state-level Alcohol Tax Bonds.
How Do I Get a TTB Alcohol Bond?
If you need a TTB wine bond for $25,000 or less in coverage, simply click BUY NOW below. For larger bonds, fill out our online application to get a price quote. Then, you can purchase your TTB wine bond instantly online.
After you checkout, we’ll email your official bond form. You must then email the signed bond form to the TTB along with your other permit application materials.
How Much Do TTB Wine Bonds Cost?
Your historical and expected annual excise tax liability determines your TTB wine tax bond amount. Verify your bond requirement with the TTB before purchasing.
If you need $25,000 or less in bond coverage, you can buy your wine bond instantly online. Larger bond amounts require underwriting review to determine exact pricing based on the bond amount and the applicant’s credit score.
- Bond amounts up to $25k are calculated at $12/$1k of coverage, starting at $100.
- Bonds for over $25k typically cost 1–3% of the total coverage amount. Apply for a free quote today.
Who Regulates Permits for Bonded Wineries?
The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) enforces federal regulations for wine producers and sellers. If you have questions, you can contact the TTB National Revenue Center at 877-882-3277 or use the online contact form.
How Do I Get a TTB Winery Permit?
If your wine operation needs a TTB permit, you must submit all the forms and documentation below to TTB's National Revenue Center:
- Application Form 5120.25 (For bonded wine production facilities), or
- Application Form 5100.24 (For bonded wine cellars that will be blending but not producing wine)
- Wine Bond Form 5120.36 (unless exempt under IRC regulations 27 CFR 24.146(d))
- Signature Authority:
- Power of Attorney Form 5000.8, or
- Signing Authority for Corporate and LLC Officials Form 5100.1, or
- Signing Authority in Organizational Documents
- Special Tax Registration Form 5630.5 (Registration only – No Tax Due)
- Trade Name Registration for the company's Operating Trade Name and any additional Bottling Trade Names
- Diagram of bonded wine premises from all alternating proprietor hosts and tenants.
- Alternating Proprietor agreement or contract, if alternating
- Lease agreement, if any
- Organizational documents (articles of incorporation, partnership agreement, etc), as applicable
You can apply electronically with Permits Online or mail your forms to the address below:
Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB)
National Revenue Center
John Weld Peck Federal Building
550 Main St., Room 8970
Cincinnati, OH 45202