How to get a New York Public Insurance Adjuster License
This New York public insurance adjuster license guide is for informational purposes only. SuretyBonds.com does not regulate or manage licensing for public insurance adjusters in New York. Contact the New York Department of Financial Services for the state's latest official public insurance adjuster license requirements.
New York Insurance Law Section 2101(g)(2) defines a public adjuster as "any person, firm, association or corporation who, or which, for money, commission or any other thing of value, acts or aids in any manner on behalf of an insured in negotiating for, or effecting, the settlement of a claim or claims for loss or damage to property of the insured in this state."
New York Insurance Law Sections 109(a) and 2102(g) require individuals receive their New York public adjuster license before conducting any business as a public adjuster in the state.
Complete the following steps to apply for your New York public insurance adjuster license.
How do I get a public adjuster license in New York?
Step 1: Ensure you meet the New York public insurance adjuster prelicensing requirements.
You must complete a New York public adjuster prelicensing education course approved by the Department of Financial Services. The DFS website provides a list of approved providers.
The prelicensing education requirement can be waived if you've been regularly employed in the insurance industry for at least 1 year within the last 3 years. You must have worked in either sales, underwriting, or claims during this employment period. You can have more than 1 employer during this time, but you must include a separate Statement of Employer Form from each employer when submitting your application.
Step 2: Purchase a New York public insurance adjuster surety bond.
New York Insurance Law Section 2108 requires public adjuster applicants file a $1,000 surety bond before being licensed to work in the state. You must submit your official New York public adjuster bond form with your license application. By filing this specific surety bond form, you agree to faithfully perform all duties as a public adjuster while working in New York.
You can buy your New York Public Adjuster Bond online 24/7. Once your order has been processed, your official surety bond will be emailed to you.
Step 3: Complete your New York public insurance adjuster license application.
You can apply for your New York public adjuster license online using the Division of Financial Services Portal. To submit a physical application by mail, you must request a paper application by emailing [email protected].
Step 4: Pay the required licensing fee.
If your initial license period is 1 year or less, you must pay a $50 application fee. If you're applying for a longer license period, you must include a $100 application fee.
Application fees are nonrefundable and can be paid by credit card, electronic funds transfer (e-check), or paper check. If you pay by paper check, your application will be pending until DFS receives and processes your payment.
Note: You'll be charged a $20 fee for any e-check or paper check returned to the bank for insufficient funds.
Step 5: Provide a full set of fingerprints.
If you're a New York resident, you must be electronically fingerprinted through IdentoGo. If you're a nonresident, you must mail a completed fingerprint card and fingerprint fees to the Department of Financial Services.
You can find more information about fingerprint scheduling, fees, and receipt submission on the DFS website.
If you have additional questions about fingerprinting requirements or processing, call 1(800)342-3736.
Step 6: Submit 5 certificates of character for each licensee or sub-licensee.
You must submit 5 certificates of character from members of the community in which you reside or transact business. Your references must certify, under penalty of perjury, that they've personally known you for at least 5 years and that you're honest, competent, and of good character. Your references cannot be related to you by blood or marriage.
You must include your certificates of character with your online or physical application.
Step 7: Pass your New York public insurance adjuster examination.
PSI Services provides all examination services for New York public adjuster license applicants. PSI testing centers are located in various cities across the state. Visit the Exam Vendor Information page for registration and scheduling instructions.
You must pass your New York public adjuster licensing exam within 2 years of your license application submission.
How do I renew my New York public insurance adjuster license?
All adjuster licenses expire on 12/31 of even years. New York public insurance adjuster licenses are issued for up to 2 years. After the initial licensing period, all licenses will be issued effective 01/01 of odd years to 12/31 of even years.
You must complete your continuing education before submitting your renewal or relicensing application.
What is the continuing education requirement for my New York public insurance adjuster license?
New York Insurance Law Section 2132 requires you to complete 15 credits of continuing education before renewing or relicensing your state public adjuster license. Continuing education is required once your license has been in effect for more than 2 years and for every subsequent renewal or relicensing. Credits must be accumulated during the licensing period, which begins with the effective date of the license. For relicensing, you can use credits accumulated in the previous licensing period, plus any completed up to the date that the relicensing application is submitted.
If you have additional questions about the continuing education requirement, you can email the Education Unit at [email protected] or call 1(800)342-3736.
Last Updated: March 7, 2024
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