How to get an Alabama Residential Roofer License
This Alabama residential roofer license guide is for informational purposes only. SuretyBonds.com does not regulate or manage licensing for residential roofers in Alabama. Contact the Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for the state's latest official residential roofer license requirements.
Alabama Code Section 8-36-1 defines "residential roofer" as a person or entity that contracts (or offers to contract) with a residential real estate owner to repair or replace roof systems. The Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board (HBLB) regulates residential roofer registration requirements and ensures residential roofers comply with Alabama codes and regulations. The HBLB requires residential roofers undertaking projects valued at more than $2,500 hold a residential roofer’s license.
You must complete the following steps to apply for your Alabama residential roofer license.
How do I get a residential roofer license in Alabama?
Step 1: Submit a request for an application.
You can obtain an application through the HBLB by sending a written request for an application or by downloading a printable copy of the unlimited or limited license application. If you send in a written request for an application, you must specify whether you would like a limited or unlimited application.
If you're applying for both a limited residential roofer license and unlimited residential roofer license, you must request a credit agency file a current credit score for either you or the business applying for a license.
If you're applying for the limited residential roofer license, you must provide one of the following.
- building permit
- homeowner’s affidavit
- current license issued by Alabama, which requires testing
- business/occupational contractor’s license issued by a county, township, or municipality in Alabama
You must provide proof of citizenship whether applying as an individual, corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership. This could include a copy of a driver’s license, birth certificate, or passport.
Step 2: Buy your Alabama residential roofer surety bond.
The Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board requires residential roofers file a minimum $10,000 license surety bond to ensure they work according to all applicable rules and regulations. The Alabama residential roofer surety bond can be used to cover claims filed against noncompliant contractors. You can buy your Alabama residential roofer bond online 24/7 with annual premiums starting at $100.
Step 3: Pay your license fees.
The state's annual residential roofer license fee is $150. A $100 nonrefundable new license application processing fee must also be submitted with new limited license applicants. You can submit a $250 check to cover both fees payable to the Home Builders Licensure Board. The Board accepts cashier’s checks, certified checks, personal or company checks, or money orders for all new applications. All fees must be paid before your application will be processed.
Note: The HBLB does not accept cash payments or credit cards.
Step 4: Demonstrate your ability and experience.
You must hold a business or occupational license issued by an Alabama municipality, township, or county on or before 1 year before your application submission date.
If applying as a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership, you must also submit a certificate of compliance from the Alabama Department of Revenue.
Step 5: Submit your Alabama residential roofer license application packet.
Ensure you have the following application materials before submitting your packet.
- Original application that's completed, signed, and notarized (Applications for corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies must have signatures notarized in both sections 7 and 8.)
- $250 check, cashier’s check, certified check, or money order payable to the Home Builders Licensure Board
- $10,000 Alabama residential roofer surety bond
- Proof of citizenship
- Current or recent business license as a contractor that lists the applicant's name or listed trade name
- Partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies, and non-profit organizations must designate a qualifying representative who must satisfy the experience and ability requirements for licensure.
- Certificate of Compliance from the Alabama Department of Revenue (if a corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership)
- Certificate of Existence from the Alabama Secretary of State (if a foreign/out-of-state corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership)
Mail your required application materials to the following address.
Home Builders Licensure Board
445 Herron Street
Montgomery, AL 36104
NOTE: Applications take approximately 3 to 4 weeks to process.
What's the difference between a limited and unlimited residential roofer license in Alabama?
Limited licenses are issued to individuals who specialize in a single construction trade and whose work does not affect the structural integrity of the residence. Limited home builder licenses DO require you to get a roofer's license to engage in residential roofing.
Unlimited licenses are only issued to individuals, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies, and non-profit organization home builders. Unlimited home builder licenses qualify you to engage in residential roofing and DO NOT require a roofer's license.
What is the Alabama home builder's exam?
To receive an unlimited license, you must pass the Alabama Home Builder's Exam, which is offered at testing sites throughout the state in Auburn, Birmingham, Enterprise, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery, Sheffield, and Tuscaloosa.
Numerous companies (such as the Builders License Training Institute) offer prep courses to help you study for the Alabama Home Builder's Exam. You can register for the exam at www.provexam.com and purchase a prep course through the website. You can pay your examination fee by money order, cashier's check, certified check, or credit card.
Last Updated: August 28, 2023
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